Your brand is your company’s identity.
It’s a keystone for most of your marketing and advertising strategies.
At the center of every message you send, every advertisement you display, and every new marketing tactic you try is going to be your brand name, big and prominent.
Despite this, people commonly neglect branded terms when practicing search engines optimization (SEO). Traditionally, SEO strategies focus on commonly searched keywords and phrases, as well as phrases that cleanly reveal user search intent.
For example, you might optimize for phrases like “good pancakes near me” or “auto repair shop Austin.” No branded keywords are necessary here, because you’re intentionally generating a list of brands to consider in your forthcoming purchase.
But if you want to get more value out of your SEO strategies, and earn even more valuable conversions, you need to start optimizing for branded search.
What exactly does this mean? And how can you do it?
First, what makes a conversion valuable?
On some level, all conversions are valuable.
In case you’re not familiar with the term, a conversion is just a meaningful action taken by one of your users. Depending on your organization and your strategy, a conversion could be a product purchase, a newsletter signup, or an interaction with a meaningful piece of optimize existing content on your own website.
Conversions will either give you revenue immediately or represent one step on the journey to getting revenue.
Our claim is that branded keyword and branded searches give better conversions, so what do better conversions look like?
Ultimately, branded searches are good for your conversion strategy for a few different reasons:
Branded search optimization, the practice of optimizing your website specifically for branded keywords, offers some other benefits as well:
Are there any weaknesses associated with branded search optimization?
The short answer is yes, but most of them present opportunities for compensation.
Now to the heart of the matter.
How do you optimize for branded search?
How can you make sure you remain competitively dominant in the landscape of branded search terms relevant to your brand name?
Is your brand in need of further online marketing support? Is there a missing ingredient in your existing branded search engines optimization (SEO) strategy? You’re in the right place: is here to help. Contact us for a free consultation today!
No matter how much experience you have running pay-per-click (PPC) ads, a checklist will help you manage your time.
Trying to manage your responsibilities without a checklist can make you skip important tasks even when you’ve performed them routinely for years.
There’s a reason professionals in various industries use checklists – they work. Although the consequences for mistakes are more serious in other industries, checklists are the perfect companion for digital marketers.
Technically, you can’t manage time because it will go on whether you like it or not. We all have the same 24 hours in the day and that won’t change. However, you can manage your tasks within time and that’s what time management is really all about. In other words, it’s about managing your tasks within the boundaries of time.
Time management strategies vary, but they all fall back on the reliability of lists and written tasks. When you’re managing a PPC ad campaigns, time management matters. There are so many different components to set up, manage, and optimize, that if you don’t strictly manage your time and tasks, your campaigns will suffer.
The main purpose of a PPC audit checklist is to help you track recurring tasks within your PPC ad campaigns. Most of the time, you’ll have weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and bi-monthly tasks. If you haven’t already organized your tasks into a schedule, this article will provide you with an outline to get you started.
Here are some common weekly PPC tasks to add to your PPC audit checklist:
If your projections indicate that you’re going to overspend, decrease your keyword bids and/or budgets. If your conversions are lacking, adjust your keyword bids or put all of your PPC budget into your highest performing campaigns.
Also, check to see if your campaigns exclude site categories where you don’t want your Google ads to run. For example, you may not want your Google ads to run on sites with content related to sexually suggestive content, sensitive social issues, or in-game placements on mobile apps. Many advertisers exclude mobile apps completely because they tend to eat ad budgets due to lower click and conversion rates.
Here are some common bi-weekly PPC tasks to add to your checklist:
This data will help you stop running google ads that don’t perform well and add new ad variations to see if you can beat your control for your highest-performing Google ads.
Don’t forget to check in on your retargeting/remarketing ads. And if you haven’t started running these better-performing ads yet, it’s something to seriously consider.
Studies have shown that using remarketing ads generate a higher ROI because they bring back potential customers that didn’t convert the first time. Many people who come back to a brand through remarketing end up converting.
Here are some common monthly PPC tasks to add to your checklist:
Check your account to ensure you’re targeting the right google search network, devices, languages, locations, and any other specific demographics you have set.
Hopefully, you’ve been testing different landing pages with your ads. If so, run a Final URL report to identify underperforming landing pages and send your traffic to the pages that are converting better. Then, look at your landing pages to see if you can identify why they’re not performing as well. Continue your split testing by creating more landing pages based on the ones that perform the best and keep testing your page elements.
Here are some common bi-monthly PPC tasks to add to your checklist:
When you identify locations that aren’t performing well, add negative keyword modifiers to eliminate untargeted or ineligible clicks. Then, add positive bid modifiers on your locations that are performing well.
As you can see, there are plenty of tasks to perform on regular schedules in order to keep your PPC ad campaigns running optimally. By creating your PPC setup checklist, you’ll be giving yourself a valuable tool that will keep track of your tasks better than your memory.
Countless studies have proven that human memory is unreliable, especially when it comes to details. This is seen most clearly in experiments designed to determine eyewitness reliability. In these experiments, witnesses struggle to remember basic things like the color of a suspect’s clothing, their height, and even their physical features.
Don’t rely on your memory to manage your PPC ad campaigns. While you might be able to remember some things, you’ll never remember everything. Additionally, having a checklist makes your job easier because you can simply go down the list and check things off as you complete each task.
Having a list also makes it easier for you to ad scheduling your tasks in your calendar and set those tasks as recurring items. Having a to-do list is great, but if you don’t also schedule your tasks you’re likely to skip important things.
Running a PPC campaign takes a lot of work and isn’t really suited as a one-person job. If you want big results from your PPC ads, you need a team to manage your PPC campaign.
Less than 25% of PPC search ads produce conversions, but that’s because most campaigns aren’t properly set up or optimized. When you work with us, we’ll get you the results you want.
We work with businesses in a variety of industries to create effective PPC campaigns that drive leads and sales. We’ll not only create effective ad copy, but we’ll also optimize your landing pages with effective ad copy. This is where most people get PPC ads wrong. A high click-through rate is only worthwhile when your landing pages convert. We’ll make sure your CTR improves along with your landing page conversions.
If you’re ready to take your PPC campaigns to the next level, get in touch with us and tell us about your goals. We’d love to help you generate the impressive results you’re after.
You’ve probably visited a website that accurately displayed the time and date of your visit. This web feature has been around for a while and is fairly common, especially on sales pages. However, dynamic content isn’t limited to times and dates – you can use this amazing feature for dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) into your Google ads.
Dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) ads is an advanced Google AdWords feature that inserts part of a user searches query into your PPC ads/only ads. It’s quite effective at getting more clicks. Imagine being a user searching for something specific and seeing the same ad group/ad groups that reflects the specifics of your search. You’ll be more likely to click on that ad, right?
If you haven’t used this feature, you’re missing out on clicks and revenue. Here are 5 reasons to start using dynamic keyword insertion work with your Google ads.
In your digital marketing campaigns, you want your prospects to think, “this product or service is for me.” When prospects feel like a product, service, or web content is meant for them, they’re more likely to convert.
You can get people to recognize that something is meant for them with professionally written sales ad copy that speaks directly to their needs, desires, keyword insertion and pain points. However, you can also achieve this through what’s commonly referred to as “keyword backtracking” in neurolinguistics programming (NLP) terms. Use Dynamic keyword insertion is essentially automated keyword list backtracking for paid ads.
Keyword backtracking is a form of active listening, and it’s when you repeat someone’s words back to them in order to make them feel heard. In a live conversation, keyword insertion this makes a prospect trust you more. When used in Google ads, it has the same general effect, but since there’s no live conversation it tells prospects your one ad is exactly what they’re looking for.
There are two reasons dynamic keyword insertion increases CTR. The first reason is that Google automatically bolds dynamic keyword insertion in ads that match the user search. When you use dynamic keyword, your ads will show up with bolded keywords more often, which means more click’s.
The second reason DKI increases your click through rate is because it increases the relevancy of your ad, which brings up the next point.
Ads with high relevancy get more clicks, period. When you publish standard ads, it’s possible to make them relevant ad/hyper relevant ads to your audience, but nothing makes an ad more relevant than automatically inserting part of the user’s search team into the ad.
Here’s an example of how this works. Say you’re running a pre-owned car dealership and you specialize in selling Jeeps. You can program your ad headline to insert the words “Jeep, Cherokee, Wrangler, Gladiator, Rubicon, SUV,” etc. when a user includes them in their search. This way, your ad headline will customize itself to always reflect the user’s specific search. It would look like this:
Your headline template: “Buy Used {keyword: Jeep}
Search phrase: “Used Jeep Cherokee for sale near me”
Your displayed headline: “Buy Used Jeep Cherokee”
Search phrase: “Used Jeep Wrangler for sale near me”
Your displayed headline: “Buy Used Jeep Wrangler”
If no keyword can be inserted dynamically, your ad will default to your specified target keywords or competitor keywords, in this case it would be ‘Jeep.” The ad will still be relevant, just not highly specific.
Google is always focused on quality, and PPC ads are no exception. Google assigns a Quality Score to all PPC advertisers based on the quality and ad relevance and quality of their dynamic keyword insertion, ad text, default keyword insertion text or ad text and landing pages/landing page url. You might be familiar with this already, but if not, it’s important to understand how Google’s Quality Scores works.
Your Quality Scores is more important than you may realize because it’s used to calculate your cost per click (CPC) and multiplied by your max bid to set your ad rank during the ad auction process.
Getting a higher Quality Scores will reduce your CPC and help you reach more people with your ads by giving you a higher ad position. This is what makes use dynamic keyword insertion so valuable – it’s an excellent way to increase the relevance of your ads in order to help you earn a higher Quality Score.
It’s easy to spend hours on end creating ad variations, but that’s not necessary when you use DKI. DKI makes it easy to create ads that target a large number of multiple keywords. It’s essentially automation for ad variations.
Since time is money, it makes sense to use dynamic keywords insertion DKI whenever possible. Think of all the time you’ll save that you can use to work on other, more exciting aspects of your business.
Although dynamic keyword insertion is an excellent strategy, DKI isn’t a substitute for targeting relevant demographics, having relevant content, and creating a persuasive ad copy. It’s simply a tool to capture more attention from your target market. If your ads use broad match keywords in a misleading way, DKI will get you clicks, but not conversions.
Be digital marketing cautious about accidentally creating clickbait with your PPC ads. Not only will this kill your Quality Score by reducing the relevance of your ads, but it will make people stop trusting your brand.
Sometimes clickbait is unintentional, and that’s why it’s important to review your ads to make sure they’re accurately representing whatever content you’re sending your visitors to on the other side. There’s nothing wrong with being clever, but don’t be so clever that your visitors get a good chuckle out of your ad group/tightly themed ad groups and then bounce.
Running a PPC ad campaigns on any platform can be daunting when you’re trying to learn everything on your own. No matter how many tutorial videos you watch, the learning curve is steep and mistakes are plenty. Normally, mistakes are just opportunities to learn. However, paid ads cost money, and mistakes are expensive.
There’s a reason less than 25% of PPC single word keywords/same keyword ad groups convert; paid advertising is a skilled profession that requires expertise to get results. If you’re not getting results, dynamic search ads or if you haven’t launched a PPC ad campaign yet, it’s time to get started.
At ad description, we can help you get the conversions you deserve using established best practices and advanced techniques that get results. Contact us today to learn more about our services and receive a free proposal from our PPC team.
Pop-ups have a reputation for being annoying, but that’s not the whole story. Not all pop-ups ads are considered annoying. In fact, pop-ups advertising is highly effective when done correctly – emphasis on correctly.
It’s entirely possible to create pop-ups ads that appeal to your website visitors and add to their experience.
In this article, you’ll learn about 11 effective ways to use pop-ups to get results, but first, let’s explore the science behind why this form of advertising is so effective.
Pop-ups ads work and there’s plenty of proof, including this study performed by Sumo that looked at 1,754,957,675 pop-ups. Based on the results, at 100 visitors per day, the average pop-ups ad will generate about 90 subscribers each month, while a highly effective ad can generate closer to 275 subscribers per month.
The study found the following:
This begs the question: if pop-ups ads are so effective, why does it seem like people complain about them so much?
Isn’t that contradictory?
It might be in part because some people tend to complain about things.
Many people who complain about pop-ups have likely subscribed to those same pop-ups they’ve complained about.
However, there’s another reason: Pop-ups are displayed to every visitor.
Your conversion rate is based on your view rate. Since pop-ups need to be viewed to be closed, they’re basically being seen by 100% of your visitors.
Your conversion rate might be high, but the percentage of people who close your ad will be higher.
The people who complain about pop-ups are likely the ones who aren’t converting, and that’s going to be a large number of people.
Now let’s talk about why pop-ups are effective. There are a few main reasons this form of advertising works so well:
Now that you know why pop-ups are effective, it’s important to grasp some best practices to ensure you aren’t annoying your visitors. Yes, there is a way to deliver effective pop-ups without annoying your visitors.
Even when visitors close a pop-up window, that doesn’t mean they’re annoyed. The best pop-ups will appear smoothly and offer visitors an easy and fast way to close it. Most people only become annoyed at pop-ups that feel intrusive and can’t be closed easily.
You’ll only get improved conversions to your landing pages when people want what you’re offering. Make your offer irresistible and make sure it delivers on the promise. Over-deliver if possible.
Pop-ups become intrusive when they’re not easy to close. Make sure you have a clearly visible “X” in the upper right corner that is fully responsive to both clicks and finger taps on mobile devices. Create a thick, solid colored border around your pop-up to make the “X” more visible.
Don’t be afraid of people closing your pop-up – you want people to close it if they aren’t interested. If they can close it easily, they’ll be more likely to return to your site. If your pop-up is a barrier to accessing your content, they’ll bounce and hesitate to return.
Once a visitor closes your pop-up, don’t display it to them again. Most pop-ups can be programmed to not show up for returning visitors who closed it out, and it’s wise to program yours this way. You’ll lose a chunk of returning traffic if people have to close out a pop-up every single time they visit your website. If you’re running a blog, this will become a huge barrier.
Make sure your pop-up offer is relevant to the content on the page people are viewing.
Your offer might seem relevant to every page, but if you have any specialty pages with content that isn’t a match, turn off your pop-up for those pages or come up with a different offer.
Your offer needs to be clear and understandable right away or people will close your pop-up if they can’t figure out what you’re offering.
Studies have shown that you don’t want to display pop-ups immediately, but you should wait about five seconds. This seems to be the perfect timing. Five seconds allows visitors to understand where they are before they’re asked to sign up for your email list.
There are two elements that should be absent from your landing pages: navigation menus and pop-ups. Visitors to your landing pages aren’t the same as regular web traffic – they’re expecting something specific and a pop-up will be a frustrating barrier to access. For instance, when they’ve already read and clicked on an ad to get to your landing page, they just want to get what they’re after.
Email signup forms generate less conversions when they have more form fields. Many people ask only for an email address, while others ask for a first name as well. The latter is ideal since it allows you to personalize your emails. Three form fields tend to get the most conversions. Ask for more than three pieces of information and your conversions will likely fall.
However, getting fewer conversions isn’t always bad. Just because someone signs up for your free offer doesn’t mean they’re your market. You want to discourage some people from signing up when they’re not your target.
Exceptions to this rule vary depending on your industry and target market. For example, if you’re targeting professionals who must hold a specific credential, you’ll want to ask leads to identify their credential on your signup form for two reasons: First, this will help you disqualify leads that aren’t your target market. Second, you segment tag leads based on their credential, which will help you market to specific sub groups.
A click trigger pop-up appears when a visitor intentionally clicks on a link or image. The advantage to this method is that your visitors want the information provided by the pop-up since they have to click to get it. It should be no surprise, then, that click triggers convert 12 times better than standard pop-ups.
This pop-up will show up when a user shows intent to leave your website. An exit-intent pop-up is usually triggered when a visitor moves their mouse away from the website and toward the top of the browser.
Most exit-intent pop-ups say something like, “Wait! Before you go, here’s an offer just for you…” and many offer a generous discount. Use this to your advantage because exit-intent pop-ups work!
This is similar to the exit-intent pop-up, but with a conditional twist. This pop-up will only show up if a visitor has an item in their cart when they start to leave the page. With nearly 70% of all shopping carts abandoned, you want to capture as many sales as possible by bringing people back to complete their purchases.
You won’t capture everyone, but you will capture some people. The reason you won’t capture everyone is simple: not everyone is looking to buy.
Many people add items to their cart to compare prices, get shipping quotes, and some use shopping carts as a “wish list.”
Although word around the ‘net is that pop-ups are annoying, now you know that’s not the case. It’s not that pop-ups are annoying – it’s that improperly implemented pop-ups are annoying. And by following the best practices outlined in this article, you can craft effective and unwanted pop-ups ads that will capture more signups from your target market while avoiding annoying those who aren’t interested.
Your revenue is directly tied to your ability to generate targeted leads, and pop-ups are one of the best ways to get those targeted leads.
When you have a desirable product or service, your ads will be welcomed by your visitors and they’ll be happy to sign up for your email list.
To recap: when your goal is to generate leads, pop-ups will prove to be an invaluable addition to your site. When properly implemented, pop-up ads will help you capture leads that you can nurture to conversion in order to generate the revenue you deserve. If you haven’t yet implemented this effective advertising strategy, there’s no better time to start than right now.
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